Marwan Chamaa
a. k. a. M a r V a i n C a n d l e
ME (Marwan & Elie)
Personal Profile
The collaboration between artists Elie Rizkallah and Marwan Chamaa began in 2021 in Beirut, Lebanon. Their inaugural painting, "EDL," by the artist-duo Marwan & Elie, also known as ‘ME’, depicted the EDL (Electricité du Liban) building, symbolizing the inefficiencies of the Lebanese state. Following this, their second piece, "BDL" portrayed the BDL (Banque du Liban) building, representing Lebanon's financial crisis.
Despite the geographical separation that saw one artist relocate to Paris and the other to Washington, D.C., logistical challenges prolonged the completion time of their latest painting, titled "نوڤمبر" (November), to around 11 months. Nevertheless, their dedication to their collaboration project and love for their homeland remains steadfast.


“EDL: the final frontier”, 2021, oil and acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm (59 x 59 inch)
©2021 ME (Marwan Chamaa & Elie Rizkallah)

“BDL”*, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm (59 x 59 inch)
©2021 ME (Marwan Chamaa & Elie Rizkallah)

“نوڤمبر” (November), 2024, acrylic on canvas, circa 150 x 150 cm (60 x 60 inch)
©2024 ME (Marwan Chamaa & Elie Rizkallah)
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© Marwan Chamaa